Rola pozycji polowej z bitwy pod Krakowem z I wojny światowej odkrytej na stanowisku archeologicznym Wola Więcławska 10, pow. krakowski
[ 1 ] Ośrodek Archeologii Gór i Wyżyn w Krakowie, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | [ P ] pracownik
EN The role of field position in the battle of Kraków from World War I, discovered at Wola Więcławska 10 archaeological site, Kraków District
artykuł naukowy
- archaeology of modern conflicts
- Battle of Kraków 1914
- field fortifications
- Kraków Fortress
- World War I
- Małopolska
EN The archaeological research was carried out in 2016 and 2020 at Wola Więcławska 10 archaeological site, Kraków District, in connection with the construction of the S7 expressway. During the survey, 4 archaeological features and 3121 moveable artefacts were found on a battlefield of battle of Kraków from November 1914, related to the military operations involving the armies of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires. These features include a firing trench as well as southward-deviating connecting trenches to structures and a communications trench
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