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Сосуды Позднеримской понтийской лощеной керамики   с врезным орнаментом с Боспора и из Херсонеса


[ 1 ] Ośrodek Interdyscyplinarnych Badań Archeologicznych, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk | [ P ] pracownik

Dyscyplina naukowa (Ustawa 2.0)

[1.1] Archeologia

Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Drevnosti Bospora. Древности Боспора.

Rocznik: 2022 | Tom: 27

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

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RU The paper describes Late Roman and Early Byzantine decorated fine ware vessels and fragments found on both sides of the Kerch Strait (city of Kytaia, Džurg-Oba necropolis and fortlet Il’ičevskoe), and in Chersonesos. The finds represent the recently identified group of fine ceramics called Late Roman Pontic Burnished Ware. They are characterized by very refined, pale pinkish - light brownish clay containing some very fine flakes of mica and single lumps of lime of various sizes. The inside surface of the dishes is carefully burnished, producing a slight lustre, and contains elaborated decoration executed by delicate incising in dried clay after burnishing and before firing (sgraffito-like technique). The decorative compositions contain centrally placed big cross, in two cases flanked by palm-branches or cypresses of similar size, and in one case completed with representation of four birds between arms of the cross. The central compositions are surrounded by two concentric grooved lines accompanied in two cases by a long spiral scratched on their outside. The outer surface of the examined dishes was finished with less care, it has some turning marks and a dull appearance. The jugs with their burnished surfaces bear incised decoration in the upper part of their bodies. In both cases, it contains a friese composed of simple motifs such as palm trees and branches, threeleaf branches and rope patterns. Because of their excellent quality, for many decades the Late Roman Pontic Burnished vessels were described in publications as red slip pottery. The vast majority of fragmented finds come from Chersonesos, but they are also known from several sites in the area of Bosporos Kimmerikos. The archaeological contexts of these discoveries indicate that the ware in question emerged on the Black Sea regional fineware market in the second quarter of the 6th century and remained an object of trade exchange at least until the end of that century but most probably also in the first decades of the 7th century. The production centre of these vessels remains unknown but the close similarity of their fabric to the previously (4th–5th c.) popular fineware group called Pontic Red Slip Ware hypothetically indicates its location in the southern Black Sea regions. The incised compositions of the LPBW dishes, resembling the decorative scheme on African Red Slip Ware dishes form 104, stamped in Style E(II), as well as the contexts of the vessels from Džurga Oba and Il’ičevskoe suggest that the discussed decorated vessels were manufactured in the early phase of the Late Roman Pontic Burnished Ware production, most probably during the reign of Justinian.

Data udostępnienia online

06.2023 (Data domniemana)

Strony (od-do)

29 - 47





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06.2023 (Data domniemana)

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