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Uwagi do datowania i periodyzacji użytkowania cmentarzyska w Domasławiu-Chrzanowie, pow. wrocławski = Comments on dating and the periodization of the use of the buriaL ground in Domasław-Chrzanów


Rok publikacji


Opublikowano w

Przegląd Archeologiczny

Rocznik: 2019 | Tom: 67

Typ artykułu

artykuł naukowy

Język publikacji


Słowa kluczowe
  • cremation burial ground
  • Lower Silesia
  • the Bronze Age
  • Domasław
  • absolute dating 14C
  • the early Iron Age

EN The paper contains the comments of an archaeologist on the results of dating the Bronze and early Iron Age burial ground in Domasław, Wrocław district by the 14C method. Most of the dates obtained correlate well with previous archaeological dating to the Bronze and early Iron Age. There are, however, a few exceptions (namely, the stylistic characteristics of grave inventories) in which the established typological classification contrasts with the radiocarbon dates determined for these features and situates them much earlier, largely during the period of the Tumulus cultures in Polish territory in the II period of the Bronze Age in the periodization by O. Montelius/J. Kostrzewski and BC and BD in the southern periodization system. Similarly, several other assemblages from the youngest phase of the use of the burial ground from the HC period obtained much older dates.



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